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Prism New User Training - XenAssist
Welcome & Introduction
What's in this course? (0:35)
Accessing Prism
How do I log into the Prism system? (0:42)
How to navigate the most commonly used features (0:53)
Viewing Employee Information
How do I view basic employee information? (0:29)
Entering & Changing Employee Information
How do I enter a new hire? (1:26)
How do I terminate an employee in the system? (1:13)
How do I update an employee's address? (0:34)
How do I change an employee's position? (0:50)
How do I update an employee's pay rate? (0:42)
How do I make adjustments to an employee's PTO (paid leave benefit) balance? (0:55)
How do I enter scheduled employee payroll deductions? (1:00)
How do I enter recurring employee payroll deductions? (1:05)
Employee Benefits Information
How do I view employee benefits and deductions? (0:41)
How do I access employee flexible spending account (FSA) information? (0:30)
How can I find employee garnishment information? (0:26)
Basic Time Sheet Entry & Payroll Approval
How do I complete time sheets? (1:04)
How do I add or adjust pay code(s) if needed? (0:36)
How do I approve payroll for processing? (1:06)
Additional Resource
Quick Reference Guide
How do I enter recurring employee payroll deductions?
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