Welcome & Objectives

Welcome and congratulations for setting aside time for your professional development!

This course focuses on the essential soft skills of leadership: Emotional Intelligence, Communication, and Credibility.

You will review the differences between management and leadership, understand behaviors associated with successful leadership, and establish a plan to apply what you've learned to enhance your effectiveness.

Within each section of the course, there are recommended assignments for you to complete on your own. These activities will help you apply the desired knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

For each section of the course, you will be asked to do the following:

  1. Watch the videos
  2. Take the quiz
  3. Download and complete the recommended activities/exercises
  4. Post your comments about your experience after completing the exercises

Certificate of Completion: If you would like a certificate of completion for continued education and professional certification purposes, you will need to complete the full course, including quiz completion and comments after the self-guided activities. You may submit a request by emailing [email protected].

TIP: This is a comprehensive course that may require up to 3 hours of your time. For this reason, you may consider pacing yourself by completing the course in sections.

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